Wow! this looks different!

YES! A new wind is blowing into the sails of Opportyounity and for that, I wanted to clean the slate first! I now have a wonderful team of people supporting the vision of Opportyounity and an exhilarating collaboration on the horizon. Here are the updates that will trickle in one step at a time.


“Only when it’s dark enough can you see the stars”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Hi, my name is Miko, and it’s a joy to welcome you to this refreshed chapter of OpportYounity. Dark times in our lives, though difficult to endure, are often necessary spaces for growth and evolution. They are there to help you discover your light—your true potential. Whether you’re joining us for the first time or coming back to deepen your journey, this space is crafted to support you in rediscovering and living true to your unique Human Design blueprint.

OpportYounity is more than just an educational platform; it’s a gateway to profound self-understanding, combining the insightful principles of Human Design with modern and contemporary scientific methods. This blend provides a personalized blueprint to effectively construct, utilize, and restore your balance, empowering you to navigate life with enhanced stability and harmony.

My own journey to creating OpportYounity began from a place of disconnection—constantly using external means to fill an internal void, which left me feeling depleted and increasingly sick. It was through a transformative process integrating tailored tools and practices and aligning with my Human Design chart, that I began to truly blanace the four layers of my being: Physical, Psyche, Energy, and Spirituality.

4 Elements of You - Opportyounity

In this process, I developed a toolkit addressing ten critical life aspects, including environment, career, relationships, and health, to build routines and practices that nurture all four layers of being.

The 10 Opportyounity Life Aspects

Now, I’m here to share these life-changing tools with you, offering pathways to live authentically and embrace a life filled with happiness, stability, and profound self-love.

As we continue to evolve, we’re excited to introduce our ‘True to You’ method, which promises more personalized and resonant experiences than ever before. This approach is designed not just for self-discovery but for creating a life in true harmony with who you are. It aims to enhance your relationships and enable more effective communication with the world within and around you.

I invite you to join us on this exciting journey of growth and discovery, where every step forward is a step towards a more authentic, fulfilled YOU. Our aspiration is for you to carry a piece of OpportYOUnity with you, sharing this knowledge and its transformative benefits to improve every aspect of your life and that of others around you.

In the meantime...

Discover our services tailored to help you understand and utilize your unique blueprint, enhancing every aspect of your life.

Identify the perfect service for your needs through our interactive quiz, schedule a complimentary 15-minute introduction call, or start with an in-depth Human Design reading.

4 Elements of YOU Quiz

The 4 Elemetns of YOU Quiz awaits! Discover which element of YOU needs your attention in just 5 minutes. With 34 insightful questions, this quiz offers valuable self-understanding. Ready to invest a few moments in your personal growth? Your future self will thank you!

Your Free 15 min. Call

If you have one or several offers that interest you, or if you are still unsure as to which service would suite you best, feel free to book a free 15 min call and we can explore the best options for you! This is not a sales pitch – this is a genuine interest to get to know your current life situation and provide you with the best options to support you during this time.

Human Design Reading

This reading is for everyone who is (relatively) new to Human Design and would like to gain a deeper understanding of both your chart and your true self. This newfound awareness will help you navigate decisions in your life with more confidence and clarity and will ultimately provide your life with more flow and less resistance. Such a reading often results in an “oh my god, I thought I was crazy when, in fact, it is simply just who I am!” experience. It helps you to recognise, accept, understand and ultimately can be the a great support for your journey to loving yourself.

Join us offline

Experience our new program and the ‘True to You’ method firsthand at our upcoming retreat—designed for deeper, more personalized insights into your self-discovery journey.

Re-YOU Retreat

End of Summer 2024

Re-you Retreat

The On-Sight Experience

These Retreats are here for you to Connect with likeminded individuals and receive the boost to start and/or continue your self-growth journey! The first retreat will take place THIS YEAR in collaboration with “Retreatic” & “Erfolgsmensch”! We are still hush-hush about it but if you want to know more, please fill out the form below to be added to our waitlist. Spots are limited once booking goes live but you will be among the first to receive updates and detailed information as soon as it becomes available.

More Services

Opportyounity is currently undergoing a major upgrade, however the option to book an advanced reading is still availble during this time. The “True to You” Course will be avaialable again shortly, along with aditional perks and curated expert insights.

Advanced HD Reading

Available Now

Opportyounity Asteroid Human Design Reading

Advanced Human Design Reading

If you’ve already had a Human Design Reading (from me or from another HD reader) this may peak your interest! It is a very different approach to most other Human Design readings, as this is where we dive deeper into the relevant aspects of your chart including the most important asteroids. This provides you with a deeper sense of understanding and clarity for whichever life aspect you may currently be struggling with.

True to You | Course Platform

Coming Soon

You layers

Version 2.0

With the tool of Human Design, it has allowed us to evolve the Opportyounity Program to yet another level. It provided us with the opportunity to create a course platform that is both tailored to YOU as an individual but simultaneously provides the possibility of connecting with others along your “True to You” Journey. Currenlty the platform to host the course, the forum and a space for other experts to share their knowledge & wisdom is being built. As soon as it is ready you will be notified through the Opportyounity Love Letters (Newsletters) so make sure to subscribe, if you would like to be notified.

Lets continue the conversation

Stay connected and keep the conversation going by subscribing to our newsletter and joining us on Insight Timer for regular updates and insights.

Bi-weekly Newsletters

The re-vamped Opportyounity Newsletter

Opportyounity Love Letter

Experts Wanted

Tell me More About You

Holistic health experts wanted

Join the Team

Join us at Opportyounity 2.0, an up and coming platform dedicated to curating a network of dedicated professionals and valuable content for our clients. We’re actively seeking experts across diverse health disciplines—embracing traditional, energetic, physical, psychological, spiritual, and emotional realms—to join our curated community. If you’re committed to delivering expert guidance and fostering secure, supportive environments that empower clients on their wellness journeys, we invite you to embark on this transformative chapter with us. If you possess unique skills, experiences, or insights that can benefit others – we encourage you to apply.